Collection: Bouchard Finlayson

Walker Bay, South Africa

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Between Cape Point and Cape Agulhas, the Bouchard Finlayson Estate is located in the appropriately named Heaven and Earth Valley. The estate was established in 1989 by Peter Finlayson who was already known for his winemaking achievements with Walker Bay. Peter’s commitment to this land is illustrated by his dedication to biodiversity and conservation. Of the 125-hectare estate, only 22 hectares are dedicated to vineyards. The remaining land is a sanctuary for a remarkable native fynbos flora.

Peter’s mastery of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay has drawn well-deserved comparisons to the wines of Burgundy. Their vineyards are unique in the Cape, as they copy the Burgundian model of planting Pinot Noir in tightly spaced rows. These close plantings encourage greater competition between the vines, leading to less vigour and consequently brighter wines with more depth and colour. Bouchard Finlayson also cultivates select Italian grape varieties, contributing to their renowned Hannibal cuvée, while Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling add unique character to the Blanc De Mer blend.