Collection: Bodegas Pedro Escudero

Castilla Y Leon, Spain

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Located in the Rueda DO, Bodegas Pedro Escudero sits on the outskirts of the village of La Seca. While the Escudero family has only been bottling its own wines since 2002, they have been producing grapes in the Verdejo region for several generations. Their vineyard “Fuente Elvira” is planted with 65 hectares of Verdejo and 10 hectares of Viura. It is highly regarded in the Rueda district for its famously rocky soil. The patriarch of the family, Pedro, is also highly regarded for his production knowledge, and is frequently approached by neighbours looking for advice about vineyard issues. The Escudero family believes strongly in traditional viticulture without the use of fertilisers or pesticides, as well as gentle vinification.