Collection: Gratavinum

Priorat, Spain

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Gratavinum’s vineyards are located between Gratallops and Poboleda in the Priorat mountains. While it has been seventy years since Priorat has been recognised as a region of designated origin, winemaking in this rugged region stretches much further back. Old native vines of Carignan and Grenache thrive here as well as Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah, which have adapted well to the harsh climate and compacted soil. All of their vineyards are cultivated organically, without pesticides or herbicides. They rely on natural sulfur dust to prevent powdery mildew, Bordeaux mixture to combat mildew, and Bacillus thurigensis to keep worm pests out of the vineyards. They do not use any irrigation, forcing the vines to find their own water. This encourages them to root as deeply as possible, enabling them to better withstand periods of drought while maximising the influence of the soil.