Collection: Domaine Eric Boigelot

Burgundy, France

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The roots of Domaine Eric Boigelot trace back to the early 20th century when Eric Boigelot’s great-grandfather established a 2-hectare wine estate in the village of Monthelie. Over time, Jacques Boigelot, Eric’s grandfather, expanded the domain to cover 7 hectares across Meursault, Monthelie, Volnay, and Pommard. Eric inherited his family’s winemaking knowledge and launched his own 3.5-hectare estate in Monthelie in 1990. In 1998, the estate relocated to the center of Meursault.

Today, Eric Boigelot and his wife Patricia tend 9 hectares of vineyards planted with Aligoté, Chardonnay, and Pinot Noir across these four villages which benefit from diverse soils, including limestone and marl. They offer a range of wines, including reds, whites, and rosés, each expressing the essence of Meursault’s terroir. The vineyard of Le Clous lies close to the top of the slope in Meursault neighbouring onto les Narvaux and Vireuils. As a result, the Meursault Les Clous is fresher than many other Meursaults wines.